When Eyes Converse

Why turn to mere words your love to unfold
When one look into your eyes and the truth is bare?
Orbs flecked with gray tell the tale so old,
In the love and hope breathing there.

“I love you, Dear”
Your eyes have spoken,
“A love sincere,
With faith unbroken”

Let my eyes answer to the call of your love.
Let them whisper it is you I adore,
That you are my blessing sent from Above,
For me to cherish for evermore.

“I love you, sweet”
My eyes reply.
“A love complete,
Never to die.”

(ASIDE : This was a love poem written by my mother
to my father prior to their marriage on 24 March 1940.
They stayed in love, enjoying a happy marriage for
56 3/4th years, until her death 1 Dec 1997.)

Marcile S. Gilleland      prior to March, 1940